GOOSE is a COSME (EU) funded project exploring public procurement opportunities in 6 non-EU markets

GOOSE positioned 14 European firms within Colombia’s public projects

GOOSE promoted successfully the participation of 14 European firms in public projects in Colombia, in different areas such as Smart mobility, Climate change, Smart buildings or Air quality.

Flemish and Catalan firms had the chance to benefit from an agenda of 2 days of group meetings, gathering them with up to 8 public institutions from Colombia and regional ones, with CAF, the Bank of Development of Latinamerica.

Amongst the Colombian institutions there were the Ministries of Mines and Energy, ICT and Transport , as well as one of the key executive agencies, FINDETERR.

Highlights of the business mission was GOOSE’s stand within the Smart City Expo Bogotá, on 31-02/June. It was presented under the headline “Soluciones europeas” (European solutions), and the motto “Encuentra tu partner europeo para acceder a proyectos públicos con GOOSE” (Find your European partner to access public projects with GOOSE).

This strategy proved fruitful, with almost 200 meetings held, between European firms and Colombian actors, public and private. As well, up to mid-June, GOOSE detected a total of 36 leads achieved by our firms, with 21 with local institutions.

GOOSE is confident on additional leads and business being achieved in the coming months, being proof of the potential of collective actions to promote European solutions in public projects worldwide!

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