GOOSE is a COSME (EU) funded project exploring public procurement opportunities in 6 non-EU markets

We here at goose have created a set of tools and services to help European SMEs to tender abroad. These services are divided into 3 categories, which we think are relevant for a SME when they consider the possibility to tender abroad.  

These 3 categories are:  

  1. Market Intelligence 
  2. Market access services 
  3. Ready-to-bid services  

Market access services

We offer a set of services and activities to facilitate the access of your European SME’s to the target markets.

  1. Consultancy services:  delivered by local experts in each target country. 
    We will identify a list of local experts in each target country. This list will be available upon request to SMEs. 

Local experts can help you with following tasks: 

  • Assistance on how to prepare bids for a specific market. 
  • Legal consultation related to the tender. 
  • Assist in drafting/writing and/or reviewing parts of a company’s bid to a public tender. 
  • Ensure that the bid/proposal meets the legal requirements in the target country. 
  • Offer legal feedback on the procurement market in the sectors covered by GOOSE. 
  • Identification of local partners and/or clients. 
  • Organization of business agenda with local partners, clients and/or local authorities. 
  • Offer sound technical feedback on sectors covered by GOOSE. 
  • Assist in identifying potential local partners, for joint-bidding, partnerships, subcontracting, etc. 
  • Identify real business opportunities within the country’s public procurement market in GOOSE target sectors. 
  1. Meet the partner/meet the buyer missions: activities organized by GOOSE consortia in the target countries 
    We will organize joint business trips to the target countries. These business trips will include meetings with potential partners and buyers, and events to meet with relevant local partners as well as public procurement officers. 
    These activities will be carried out mainly during 2023. 
  2. We will organize networking events at some flagship events, such as Smart City Expo World Congress in Barcelona.  
  3. Follow-up services 
    European SME’s companies can request, at any time, the support of GOOSE team. Please contact us  
    These follow-up services include:  
  • Individual meeting between GOOSE team and SMEs upon after specific request on any market/tender of their interest. 
  • GOOSE will involve their experts in target countries to analyse real potential in the field and give feedback to the SME, including recommendations and next steps. 

Market Intelligence

  1. Country and sector information: on the website you can find information on the 6 target countries (Japan, Vietnam, Norway, Serbia, Colombia & Chile) as well as the 4 target sectors.  
  2. We have also created 6 country fact sheets (can be found on each country‘s subpage, after signing up): one document per country containing information on why consider tendering in the country, tips for it and a snapshot on the sector/segment opportunities. Factsheets are available for registered users only. 
  3. Tender trackingyou can find tender opportunities and upcoming tenders in the 6 target countries and the 4 different sectors and the different categories. You can create your own alerts and receive notifications on new tenders conveniently in your mailbox. This service is available to registered users only. 
  4. In the news section you can find a lot of relevant news on different sectors and countries, as well as GOOSE related news (upcoming events and activities). Registered users can activate an alert system with daily information from 6 markets, including GOOSE’s expert feedback. 

Ready-to-Bid Services – Balance Scorecard

Balance Scorecard (available in the portal in coming months) – a tool that will help SMEs to determine their readiness to internationalize in the public markets. The scorecard is a simple tool that will allow you to anticipate your readiness to tender abroad. This will also allow you to assess whether to bid/not to bid and determine if a specific tender is worth bidding to or not.