GOOSE is a COSME (EU) funded project exploring public procurement opportunities in 6 non-EU markets

Vietnam, Colombia, Chile, Serbia, Norway, Japan
New GOOSE WEBINAR: Opportunities and Challenges in Smart cities - 04/OCT 10:00h CET

Please be welcomed to GOOSE’s first sector webinar; it will present the main Smart city opportunities in our 6 target markets.

We will give you expert insights in the most potential segments, including Smart Lighting, Smart Mobility, Smart Energy o Smart Infrastructure.

For that purpose, we will have with the exceptional participation of AMEC URBIS, Spain’s key cluster in the field, together with two firms, with a strong international record, sharing their experience.

10.00 Welcome and presentation of GOOSE. Arnout Geys, Flanders Investment and Trade
10.10 Smart city opportunities in Chile, Colombia, Norway, Serbia, Japan and Vietnam. Catalonia Trade & Investment-ACCIÓ.
10.20 Vision from the industry: what best in offer from the EU? AMEC-URBIS, Spanish Smart city cluster
10.40 Success stories .Guest firms
10.50 GOOSE tools to help you bid successfully. Estonian Chamber of Commerce and Industry-ECCI
11.00 Questions and Answers
11.15  End of session

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