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New strategy for digitalisation in kindergartens and schools
    • The Government and KS (the municipal sector’s interest organisation) are launching a new joint strategy for digital competence and infrastructure in kindergartens and schools. The strategy provides clearer support for the municipal sector in the face of new technologies, digital tools in training and increased pressure on privacy. The Government and KS will:
      • Investigate how to establish a joint support service for privacy and universal design, so that nursery and school owners can get help in the assessment of digital resources.
      • Create a public overview of available digital teaching aids and the extent to which they meet legal and technical requirements.
      • Investigate how the authorities, together with the sector, can capture and meet new technologies that affect the nursery and school in a better way, so that they can provide support to the municipalities more quickly.
      • Strengthen the guidance on good digital practice in kindergartens and schools, and ensure good digital competence in further and further education offers.

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