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Norway: investment in technology and digitalization

In the state budget for 2024, the government proposes to set aside NOK 150 million for technology development. Of this, NOK 100 million has been set aside for the development of technology and digital solutions in the Norwegian Road Administration and NOK 50 million for further development of the sales and ticketing platform for Entur AS. In 2024, the Norwegian Public Roads Administration will work on better visibility, better handling of landslides and debris, and increase the use of intelligent transport systems (ITS). In this area, work will be carried out within three strategic directions:

      • The digital road of the future means that the physical infrastructure will be integrated with the digital infrastructure.
      • Fully digitized value chain for roads: Planning, construction, operation, maintenance and management of roads must be digitalised, and information about vegans must be available to relevant actors.
      • Digital utility services for customers . In 2024, priority will be given, among other things, to services that provide better avalanche control and better visibility on the mountain passes.

They also seek further development of a common platform for the sale of public transport tickets in Norway, as well as facilitating the sale of international train tickets through the Entur solution.

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