GOOSE is a COSME (EU) funded project exploring public procurement opportunities in 6 non-EU markets

Vietnam, Colombia, Chile, Serbia, Norway
Webinar: Opportunities and challenges in the ICT

2nd February 2023, 11 AM (EET), Zoom

This year we bring you a series of webinars to take a closer look at key public procurement opportunities outside the EU for European solutions.

GOOSE  offers unique services, such as tender tracking alerts, country and sector specific webinars, follow-up & mentoring services, and meet-the-buyer matchmaking missions to target countries.
Target countries are Chile, Colombia, Norway, Serbia, Japan, and Vietnam, and target sectors, Green economy, ICT, Smart city, and Smart health.

On 2nd February we invite you to attend GOOSE’s third sector-based webinar, presenting the main ICT public procurement opportunities detected in those non-EU markets.

ECCI from Tallinn leads GOOSE’s ICT Strategy. In fact, Estonia has been a forerunner in digital public services, in this webinar we will also present our ICT cluster and share the experiences of participating in foreign countries’ ICT procurements. You will hear from Estonian company Cybernetica: Cybernetica has had an integral role in building Estonia’s unique e-governance ecosystem, notably the digital identity and secure data exchange. They have participated in many foreign public procurements and will share their story.


11.00 Welcome and presentation of GOOSE project
11.10 ICT procurement opportunities in Chile, Colombia, Norway, Serbia, Japan and Vietnam
11.20 Vision from the industry: Estonian ICT cluster and cooperation in third countries, Ms Jana Silaškova, Head of Internationalization of Estonian ICT Cluster
11.30 Company’s experience in participating in ICT procurements in foreign markets, Mr Maksim Ovtsinnikov, Head of Data Exchange Technologies, Cybernetica AS
12.00 GOOSE’s Tools and Services to Tender abroad, Mrs. Merit Fimberg-Espuch, Estonian Chamber of Commerce and Industry
12.10 Questions and Answers

Note: TBC participation of a second cluster from Catalonia



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