GOOSE is a COSME (EU) funded project exploring public procurement opportunities in 6 non-EU markets


Acquisition of a system integrator and operating supplier of a new cloud-based ICT-platform

Norad, the Norwegian Agency for Development Cooperation invites to a tender with negotiation for the acquisition of a system integrator and operating supplier of a new cloud-based ICT platform, including establishment, cloud operation, user support and accompanying services.

IT operation by Norad is to be separated from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, which currently looks after Norad’s ICT platform.

The purpose of the procurement is to get one supplier who will be Norad’s system integrator and operating partner on a cloud-based platform. The supplier must also be able to offer a wide range of associated and operating and support services.

The standardized and modern platform will contribute to:

That Norad gets a modern, standardized and cloud-based ICT platform.

A development environment that support modern development methodology.

Access to new technology.

Predictable operating costs.

Technical and functional user support.

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