GOOSE is a COSME (EU) funded project exploring public procurement opportunities in 6 non-EU markets

Climate Adaptation
Consultant Type Individual
Selection Method Individual Consultant Selection (ICS)
Source International
Technical Proposal Not Applicable
Package Number
Package Name Climate Adaptation Expert
Advance Action
Read only Checkbox Not Checked Yes
Read only Checkbox Checked No
Total Inputs
60 Working Days
Consulting Services Budget
Budget Type
Read only Checkbox Checked Estimated
Read only Checkbox Not Checked Maximum
Approval Number 10026
Approval Date 08-Dec-2022
Estimated Commencement Date 01-Feb-2023
Open to non-Member Countries
Read only Checkbox Not Checked Yes
Read only Checkbox Checked No
Additional Information

Possibility of contract extension
In general, ADB consulting contracts may be extended to a reasonable degree when doing so is justified within ADB's core 
procurement principles. Any extensions are subject to operational needs, consultant performance, and continued availability of 

Specific considerations for this assignment, if any, are discussed here:
Not known at this time.

Possibility of consideration for downstream assignment
Read only Checkbox Not Checked Yes
Read only Checkbox Not Checked No
Read only Checkbox Checked Not known
Country of assignment
Viet Nam

COVID-19 Related Assignment
Read only Checkbox Not Checked Yes
Read only Checkbox Checked No
Contact Information

Project Officer Tsuneyuki Sakai
Designation Unit Head, Project Administration
Asian Development Bank
Email" href="">

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