GOOSE is a COSME (EU) funded project exploring public procurement opportunities in 6 non-EU markets

Japan - Carbon recycling and environmental remediation system – Notice of Request for Submission of Materials

The Tohoku University in Sendai (Miyagi Prefecture, Japan) is requesting submission of materials for a carbon recycling and environmental remediation system with the aim of procuring such a system.

The system must
a) be capable of reducing carbon dioxide emissions by mineral carbonation technologies;
b) have a plant capable of producing carbonates and environmental remediation materials;
c) be capable of analyzing the carbonates;
d) be capable of analyzing the environmental remediation materials;
e) be capable of evaluating the performances of the environmental remediation materials.

Companies are invited to send their proposals to the Tohoku University (contact data : see below). Deadline is 28 February 2022 at 17:00 Japanese time.


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