GOOSE is a COSME (EU) funded project exploring public procurement opportunities in 6 non-EU markets

Overview of Expected Government Tenders in Japan FY2023-2024

10 Japanese Ministries and 1 National Agency have announced their public tender plans for the fiscal year running from 1 April 2023 till 31 March 2024. Main items to be purchased are :

  • ICT, with focus on devices and networks for monitoring, data management and communication;
  • Pharmaceuticals, medical supplies, medical devices and e-health projects;
  • Airport installations and communication networks


The ministries involved are :

• Ministry of Justice
• Ministry of Internal Affairs
• Ministry of Foreign Affairs
• Ministry of Finance
• Ministry of Education
• Ministry of Health
• Ministry of Agriculture
• Ministry of Economy
• Ministry of Transport
• Ministry of Defence

and the National Police Agency

The public tender plans can be freely obtained by contacting Mr. Johan MALIN at Flanders Investment & Trade (


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