The Norwegian Directorate for Civil Protection [Direktoratet for samfunnssikkerhet og beredskap
(DSB)] has established the Fire and Rescue School [Brann- og redningsskolen (BRSK)], where all
training for fire and rescue personnel in Norway will be unified. BRSK is a school that offers both
vocational education and courses/training. The course activities include training for part-time
personnel, management courses and other subject-specific courses. In addition, the extent of training
for part-time personnel will be increased. As a result of the establishment of a joint organisation that
will deliver educational services both related to vocational education and to course activities, good
solutions for digital interaction and support for administration, operations and teaching are necessary.
The contract includes two partial deliveries, cf. the attached tender documentation:
1) digital solution(s) for the administration of vocational education and course activities
2) digital solution(s) to support planning of the school year
The contract also includes training and user support for the offered digital solutions for case
managers and administrators under the Contracting Authority.
Procurement of digital support for school administration