GOOSE is a COSME (EU) funded project exploring public procurement opportunities in 6 non-EU markets

Procurement plan for the Vietnam National Universities Development Project

Vientams Universitary Network will construct modern learning and teaching infrastructure and supply cutting-edge equipment for the Hanoi University of Technology (UT) and a number of university sites in Ho-chi-Minh and Danang.

  • construction works, construction equipment and Interior equipment for teaching and learning: desks, chairs, computers, projectors, printers, equipment for smart classrooms, E-learning classrooms.  Wastewater treatment plant. Construction equipment: elevators, air conditioners, fire protection systems, M&E systems. Server system for the building’s operation control applying
    information technology and artificial intelligence; – Solar battery system; – Equipment for smart meeting rooms; Security camera system; Interior of the building (tables, chairs, cabinets); Equipments for the central library building: The server system for building’s operation control applying information technology and artificial intelligence; Solar battery system; Audio-visual equipment (Audio-visual, virtual reality, documentary cinema room); Biological sensor system (fingerprint, face recognition); Security camera system;


  • Modern interdisciplinary research infrastructure; provision of cutting-edge equipment and high end technology (lab equipment, High-Performance Computing (HPC), Vietnam Research and education Network (VinaRen),…)

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