GOOSE is a COSME (EU) funded project exploring public procurement opportunities in 6 non-EU markets

Sign management system for roadside inspection

The purpose of the procurement is to select on-road vehicles using sensor technology and data, and then use active signage to summon individual vehicles to a checkpoint.

The Norwegian Public Roads Administration has experience with solutions that can receive data about vehicles with a high inspection value from our central vehicle and number plate recognition system, and based on this, illuminate signs in only short pulses just as the desired vehicle is passing the sign. This also contributes to more targeted inspection activities by being able to call in only vehicles that the user wants to inspect.

The Norwegian Public Roads Administration would now like to procure a standardised solution for managing signs, sensor units and the connections between them, which can be used at all the agency’s inspection stations. This will be a national system that can be used at an unlimited number of locations belonging to the Norwegian Public Roads Administration. The solution is expected to be in use by approx. 10 locations in the first 5-year period.

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