GOOSE is a COSME (EU) funded project exploring public procurement opportunities in 6 non-EU markets

Subscriber wire supply

FPT Telecom Joint Stock Co
Bid for package FTEL-2022-00012-FTTH1-MN : supply tight buffer tube one core subscriber wire .
Form of bidding: online
Place of bidding performance: Hanoi.
Funding source: company’s capital and bank loan.
Method of bidder selection: national open bidding, one stage , two envelope bidding .
Bidding documents available from 14:57 on April 15 to 14:30 on May 06, 2022.
Fee for a set of bidding document is: Free .
Bid security: 470,000,000 VND ~ EUR 19,000
Bids closed at 14:30 and opened at 14:30 on May 06,2022.
For more information, please contact:

FPT Telecom Joint Stock Co , Hanoi.

PVI Building, No.1 Pham Van Bach Str, Cau Giay District, Hanoi

Tel: +84 24 7300 2222

Website: FPT Telecom – Home

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