The contracting authority plans to implement the new ticketing system with a start-up on 1 October 2023 at the latest.
The contracting authority has entered into bus contracts that will also have a start-up from 1 October 2023. All vehicles that begin running routes from this date must have the new ticketing system installed.
In total this means installation in approx. 130 vehicles split between three contract areas. In addition the ticketing system will be used for booking transport (taxi or passenger car) and scheduled vessels (passenger boats and ferries).
The ticketing system will give the public in Finnmakr access to new simple systems for buying journeys on a bus, boat, and ferry, also through other entities’ ticketing systems. It must be possible to purchase tickets through Snelandia web, app, as well as through web systems and apps from the contracting authority’s agents.
The delivery will include central software, distributed software, and accompanying equipment in 130 busses, 10 other vehicles (taxi or passenger car in scheduled transport), as well as on 13 scheduled vessels.