Webinar: Public procurement in CHILE and COLUMBIA – opportunities and challenges
This year we bring you a series of webinars to take a closer look at the public procurement opportunities and peculiarities in selected third countries.
This time we will have a closer look at CHILE and COLUMBIA. Chile and Colombia are key within Latin America: both are OECD members, which guarantees high level of transparency, equality of opportunity and public bodies’ execution capacity.
At this webinar, we will talk about public procurement challenges and peculiarities in these countries. We will reveal opportunities in sectors like ICT, smart health, smart cities and green economy. We will also give practical tips about writing a successful bid and introduce the tools and services project GOOSE offers to the companies to be successful in tendering process. Come and join us!
- Welcome and introduction of GOOSE (10min), by Arnout Geis, Flanders Investment and Trade
- Tips to tender successfully abroad (10min), by Merit Fimberg-Espuch, Estonian Chamber of Commerce and Industry-ECCI
- Tendering in Colombia, Challenges and Opportunities (30 min), by Xavier Roca, Director of ACCIÓ’s office in Bogotá
- Tendering in Chile, Challenges and Opportunities (30 min), by Manuel Santos, Director of ACCIÓ’s office in Santiago de Chile
- GOOSE’s Tools and Services to Tender abroad (10 min), by Oriol Martinez, ACCIÓ’s HQ in Barcelona
- Questions & Answers
5th of April 2022 at 4.00 PM GMT+3
- Catalonia’s Competitiveness Agency-ACCIÓ
- Estonian Chamber of Commerce and Industry-ECCI
- Flanders Investment & Trade-FIT
- CEA-Croatian Employers´ Association