Webinar: Public procurement in Japan
Cross-border tendering is a challenge, arguably, even within the EU’s single market, not to mention in third countries. However, with the right preparation, this is not impossible.
Here the project GOOSE can help you. It is an EU-funded project that offers unique services, such as tender tracking alerts, country and sector specific webinars, mentoring services, and meet-the-buyer missions to target countries.
Target countries: Chile, Colombia, Norway, Serbia, Japan, and Vietnam.
Target sectors: green economy, ICT, smart city, and smart health.
This year we bring you a series of webinars to take a closer look at the public procurement opportunities and peculiarities of these target countries. In the first part of the series, we focus on the Japanese market.
17th March 2022 at 9.30 AM CET to 12 PM on Zoom.
Register: LinkedIn
9.30 | GOOSE introduction Victor Mercè, Oriol Martínez ACCIÓ CPI |
9.35 | Support for tender participation in Japan Welcome by Mr. Dirk DE RUYVER, Economic Representative / Mr. Vincent GOOSSENS from Flanders Investment & Trade Tokyo |
9.50 | Public Procurement overview on the current state of the European Partnership Agreement between EU and Japan and opportunities for European companies in the field of public procurement Mr. Illka SAARINEN, Counsellor, Trade Section, Delegation of the European Union to Japan |
10.10 | The dos and don’ts of bidding for government contracts in Japan Mr. Lyckle GRIEK, EU-Japan Centre for Industrial Cooperation, Japan Tax & Public Procurement Helpdesk |
10.30 | New Acces2Procurement tool of the European Commission Mr. Jakob CORNIDES / Mr. Bojan PAVLEK |
10.40 | Testimonial by Mr. Ludo OST of Veldeman, on public procurement in Japan |
10.45 | Questions and Answers |
- Catalonia’s Competitiveness Agency-ACCIÓ
- Estonian Chamber of Commerce and Industry-ECCI
- Flanders Investment & Trade-FIT