Webinar: Public procurement in NORWAY – opportunities and challenges
Cross-border tendering is a challenge, arguably, even within the EU’s single market, not to mention in third countries. However, with the right preparation, this is not impossible.
Here the project GOOSE can help you. It is an EU-funded project that offers unique services, such as tender tracking alerts, country and sector specific webinars, follow-up & mentoring services, and meet-the-buyer matchmaking missions to target countries.
Target countries: Chile, Colombia, Norway, Serbia, Japan, and Vietnam.
Target sectors: green economy, ICT, smart city, and smart health.
This year we bring you a series of webinars to take a closer look at the public procurement opportunities and peculiarities of these target countries.
At this webinar, we will talk about what to keep in mind if you want to participate in Norwegian public procurements. What are the peculiarities in Norway? What are the opportunities in the above mentioned sectors? We will also give practical tips about writing a successful bid. We also introduce the tools and opportunities we offer to companies within the project. We will also hear success stories of Estonian companies who have participated in public procurements in Norway. Come and join us!
- 11.00-11.10 Introduction of the GOOSE project, Flanders Investment and trade (FIT)
- 11.10-11.20 Tips on how to successfully participate in public procurements and write bids, Estonian Chamber of Commerce and Industry
- 11.20-11.50 Norwegian public procurement opportunities and peculiarities RYTE VENCKUVIENE, Export Adviser of Enterprise Estonia in Norway
- 11.50-12.00 Success stories
- 12.00-12.05 What services and tools can we offer to the companies who would like to participate in public procurements? Estonian Chamber of Commerce and Industry
- 12.05-12.15 Questions / Answers
20th of April 2022 at 11 AM GMT+3