Webinar: How to reach international tenders? Introduction of the GOOSE project
Cross-border tendering is a challenge, arguably, even within the EU’s single market. With the aim to increase intra-EU bidding, Brussels has pushed for a mix of tools and legislation, that, not effortlessly, have been lowering the barriers faced by firms, especially SMEs. Most recently, the EU’s trade deals are including public procurement chapters, thus putting the stakes higher, this time to liberalize procurement markets beyond the EU borders. The opportunities for SMEs are, understandably, huge, as well as the challenges.
From the SMEs side, what to make of it? GOOSE is the answer, or part of it. It is a EU funded project that will be offering tools and specialized services to access procurement opportunities. It will be proactively targeting 6 markets (Chile, Colombia, Norway, Serbia, Vietnam and Japan) in 4 broad sectors (Green economy, Smart health, ICT and Smart cities), aiming at helping European firms to contest them successfully. GOOSE will also report the European Commission on the main findings of the Project during the period Jun/2021-Jun/2024.
The session will briefly explain how we plan to collaborate with European firms. It will also include a training to help SMEs focus their internationalization strategy to tender abroad. Finally, the session will propose 4 round tables corresponding to the 4 targeted sectors, in which we expect an stimulating exchange of experiences and expectations from firms/institutions, also to find better ways to access foreign procurement markets.
25th November 2021 at 10.30 AM to 1 PM on Zoom
Goose project introduction, sectors and countries
The challenge of tendering abroad
Dermot Cahill’, Gary Clifford
International consultants on Law and Public Procurement
10.30 | GOOSE introduction Victor Mercè, Oriol Martínez ACCIÓ CPI |
10.45 | First part The challenge of tendering abroad Dermot Cahill’, Gary Clifford International consultants on Law and Public Procurement |
11.45 | Coffee break |
11.55 | Second part 4 sector rooms: Green economy; Smart Health; Smart cities; ICT Each partner leading one room: ACCIÓ, FIT, CCIS, ECCI Moderators: Dermot Cahill’, Gary Clifford |
12.40 | Final wrap up Dermot Cahill’, Gary Clifford |
13.00 | End of the webinar |
- Catalonia’s Competitiveness Agency-ACCIÓ
- Estonian Chamber of Commerce and Industry-ECCI
- Flanders Investment & Trade-FIT
- Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Slovenia-CCIS
Consulting firm HelpUsTrade